[보도자료]민변, 32명 버마 변호사 자격박탈에 대한 공개서한 발송

2012-01-06 173


민변, 32명 버마(미얀마)변호사 자격박탈에 대한

공개서한 발송


민주사회를 위한 변호사모임 국제연대위(위원장 오재창 변호사, 이하 민변)는 오늘 6일 버마(미얀마) 대법원장에게 1989년 이후 변호사 자격박탈이 된 32명의 변호사에 대해서 변호사 자격 승인 재심의를 요청하는 공개서한을 발송하였다.


공개서한에 따르면 32명의 변호사들은 적법한 절차나 관련법을 위반하여 그들의 변호사 자격이 박탈이 된 것이 아니고 오히려 변호사로서 군부독재에 반대하는 정치사범의 권리를 변호하였기 때문에 군부로부터 자격이 박탈되었다고 한다. 또한 그들은 ‘변호사이사회법(the Bar Council Act)’, ‘법률변호사법’과 ‘법원 매뉴얼’(Legal Practitioners Act and the Courts Manual)에 의해 보장된 자격박탈 전 사전 청취의 기회와 스스로를 변론할 기회를 가지지 못한 채 우편을 통해서 그들의 자격을 박탈당한 것이다. 이는 버마 군부집권세력이 정치적 반대세력을 탄압하기 위한 부당하고 불법적인 조치임이 명백하다.


이에 민변은 같은 변호사 그룹으로 법치주의의 근간을 무너뜨리는 군부집권세력의 자격박탈 조치에 깊은 우려를 표명하며, 버마 대법원측에 32명의 변호사의 자격 박탈 결정에 대한 재심의 조치를 취하고 그들의 자격을 회복하여 버마 사법부를 책임져야 하는 대법원의 의무를 다하기를 요구하는 바이다.


2012년 1월 6일


민주사회를 위한 변호사모임

국제연대위원회 오재창 위원장 (직인생략)

6, 2012

U Tun Tun Oo

Chief Justice

Office of the
Supreme Court

Office No. 24



Tel: + 95 67 404
080/ 071/ 078/ 067 or + 95 1 372 145

Fax: + 95 67 404


An Open Letter to the Chief Justice of Myanmar

Dear Chief Justice,


MINBYUN – Lawyers for
a Democratic Society, a legal NGO in Special Consultative Status with UNECOSOC
in South Korea, is writing to you regarding the letter submitted to the Burmese
president dated November 4th, 2011 by sixteen lawyers who were disbarred
because of alleged political crimes or politically related violations of their
codes of practice. 


According to the
sixteen lawyers, they had their licences revoked unfairly and unlawfully,
inasmuch as the revocations were not made in accordance with the correct
procedure and were motivated not in response to breaches of professional codes
of conduct but because of dissatisfaction by the authorities with their
political activities or their efforts to defend the rights of persons accused
in political cases.


We are currently aware
of thirty-two lawyers who have had their licences to practise law revoked for
their alleged political offences. We believe that there will be other lawyers
aside from these thirty-two in the same situation of having had their licences
revoked for political reasons, many having spent periods in jail.


Each of these
thirty-two lawyers did no more than to express their political opinions in
accordance with the law. Many of them committed no wrongdoing other than to
practice their profession in accordance with the relevant codes of conduct.
Most of them did not get any opportunity to represent themselves or to have
their cases heard prior to being stripped of their licenses, as required under
the terms of the Bar Council Act, the Legal Practitioners Act and the Courts
Manual, but were simply informed about the revocation of their licence via a


In light of the unjust
circumstances under which the licences of these lawyers were revoked, their
shared concern for the upholding of the rule of law through professional
conduct, and given the winds of change in the political circumstances in
Myanmar of late, we respectfully request the Supreme Court to allow a review of
the decisions to revoke the licences of each one of these thirty-two lawyers
listed below, and others in similar circumstances, with a view to restoring
them their professional qualifications, in order to enable them to fulfill
their duty both to their profession and to their country.


Yours sincerely,


Jae-chang Oh

Chief of International
Solidarity Committee

MINBYUN – Lawyers for
a Democratic Society

ADVOCATES (licence numbers in brackets)

1. U Aye Myint (4377)

2. U Myint Than (2639)

3. U Har Mar Nyunt

4. U Myint Htay (1827)

5. U Khin Maung Thein

6. U Thaung Myint
7. Daw Khin San Hlaing

8. U Kyi Win (1506)

9. U Htay (3860)

10. U Khin Maung Thant

11. U Thein Than Oo (3695)

12. U Sein Nyo Tun

13. U Aung Thein

14. U Khin Maung Shein

15. U Robert Sann Aung
16. U Saw Hlaing

17. Daw Tin Htwe Mu

18. U Saw Htun (2791)

19. U Htun Htun Han

20. Thura U Tin Oo

21. U San Ni Tin Pe

22. U Aye Myint
(Guiding Star) (4821)

23. U Myat Hla (1154)

24. Daw Hla Myint

25. “BBC” U Ne Min


(licence numbers in brackets)

1. Daw Ohn Kyi (6764)

2. U Aung Kyi Nyunt

3. U Htun Oo (11942)

4. U Nyi Nyi Htwe

5. Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min

6. Ko Phyo Phyu / Yan
Naing Aung

7. U Tin Aung Tun



0106_[보도자료]민변, 32명 버마변호사 자격박탈에 대한 공개서한 발송_국제연대_01.hwp.hwp